I haven't posted an entry for over two weeks? Gosh, so sorry. I've been simply too busy with the family obligations - you know how that goes...
Anyway, I want to talk about Ashley Madison today; specifically about those single males and females. No, I don't want to discriminate against the single ones, but I honestly thought Ashley Madison is for those who are married and looking to date. Maybe that was when I signed up for it over two years ago? Maybe time has changed???
When Paul and I met on Ashley Madsison, it was clear that we're both married. And we both had the notion that we wouldn't want to date anyone who's single. We both said, we wanted to find someone who's in the same circumstances with the same restriction. But moreover, we wanted to find someone that had the same risk to lose somthing so important in our lives: Family. And I wouldn't want to be with anyone who had nothing to lose becasue if I was looking for a new husband, I would have signed up for Match.com or eHarmony.
It's true, I received countless emails from both married and single guys before I met Paul, but I never responded to the winks and messages from single guys. I hardly believe that the single guys would be risky - I'm sure they have no problem having one of those "No String Attached Sex" and I'm sure they're on AM because they want nothing to do with commitment type of relationship; or they want to sleep with married women and get high off it; or they're in a long term relationship just like married people and want something exciting; or they're just curious.
What I've noticed lately, a lot, when I get a daily email from Ashley Madison informing me about the new members in my area is that more than half of the men who sign up for AM are single male, age - 20 - 30. They are young.
I just don't understand why on earth those young kids who should be able to go out and meet a nice girl would want to sign up for a website like AM? I strongly believe Ashley Madison is for married couple, not for single female and males. Even their website says, "Do you want to have an affair?" - seriously, AM is for people like us, who can't go out and find a new boyfriend or a girlfriend because we're married.
I don't know where I'm going with this post, but am I wrong here? Do I sound like an old lady? But ff you're a single, but cruise around married dating sites, tell me, why? Why are you looking for a married women/men?